
Patient Engagement

Want to innovate in health tech? Start with the patient

I recently gave a presentation at HITLAB’s annual Innovators’ Summit, “Digital health in the age of patient-centered care.” 

Why Health Innovators Have Failed Customers & What We Can Do About It

Wellness devices don’t help people lose weight unless the underlying mentality for change is already present. But most mass producers of these devices are not in the business of selling this point. They are in the business of selling products.

Designing for Health: First Impressions Can Make Or Break Your Product

A first impression can define the customer’s overall long-term satisfaction with a device, their willingness to buy similar devices in the future, and their likelihood of recommending the device to others

What To Do With The Sleep Champ Score Report

So you've been using the Sleep ChampTM app for a few months now and generated score reports for your child. What's next? Important people will need to know your child's sleep quality risk. Sleep ChampTM creates a score report that can be shared from within the app. 

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