
What To Do With The Sleep Champ Score Report

So you've been using the Sleep ChampTM app for a few months now and generated score reports for your child. What's next? Important people will need to know your child's sleep quality risk. Sleep ChampTM creates a score report that can be shared from within the app. When you answer the 22 questions, you can review answers to each question within the app. Emailing the score report is a convenient way to share results with loved ones such as family members. The report could also be shared with a pediatrician or nurse before an appointment.

The score report is a PDF file so it can be printed easily. You will have three pages: 1) cover page, 2) explanation of score and risk, and 3) questions with answers. Take this with you to your child's doctor's visit so you can start the conversation on different sleep topics. More helpful resources can be found in the app in the 'About Sleep' tab.

The score reports can be found by pressing the 'Profile' tab at the bottom of the screen. Choose your child and then choose which report you want to email. You can email the report to yourself and print from your computer.

For more information about the Sleep ChampTM app, watch our tutorial video produced by our videographer, Jesse Meria.

Ranjit Das, M.D. Zansors Chief Medical Innovation Officer

Email: Twitter: @MADEinDNA

More information on the Sleep ChampTM app: Website Download for Apple Download for Android Twitter Facebook


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