With the official announcement of the spring season, we at Zansors take time to assess how we are faring towards our mission of helping people take charge of their health. Continuing our tradition, here’s the springtime roundup of what we were up to in the past one year…
Leading the Way with Innovation
It was a milestone year for Zansors in terms of building our intellectual property (IP) portfolio. Zansors had two utility patents issued around our wearable biosensors! Securing IP is not an end in itself for us. Our utility patent for wearable patch is critical to supporting Zansors’ goal to provide personal health analytics tech wearables that are accessible and affordable to consumers. With our utility patent for wireless electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) sensor, Zansors is opening up a future that allows patients the same accuracy of readings on their smartphone that they currently can only experience in a clinical setting.
Zansors Labs is making exciting progress in building not just our IP portfolio but also our innovation portfolio through cutting-edge R&D. Zansors Labs developed a prototype sensor patch to detect blood alcohol from your sweat. Last year we completed the proof-of-concept “clinical” study; outside of clinic, by the way— that’s the future of clinical studies— in the wild! Imagine going out for drinks, slapping on a sweat sensor patch, and being able to quietly check how you’re doing on your smartphone. No one need know, and you get to stay safe on the drive home.
We shouldn’t forget our tiniest patients though. Zansors Labs, in collaboration with George Washington University, is working to create blood glucose monitoring sensors for babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Zansors’ continuous monitoring sensor patch is designed to monitor glucose constantly under the skin, instead of via occasional heel sticks; thereby reducing amount of blood collected and pain caused to babies. We are proud to be working on new frontiers in the wearable sensing and mobile health tech world.
Follow us @Zansors to keep updated about the latest innovations coming out of Zansors labs!
Spreading Ideas with Thought Leadership
Zansors was fortunate to be offered reputable media platforms in the past one year to spread the ideas we believe in. And of course, it always feels good to have your efforts being recognized.
We were excited to be featured by Discovery Channel in a segment on on-demand health and the future of wearable tech last year! It was especially noted how Zansors is working on building sensors and apps that are medical-grade. In case you missed it, you can watch the web segment here.
Discovery Channel shoot at Zansors office
It is exciting, at the same time, to be recognized by a reputable authority in the field itself. We were honored by featured by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in their column titled “In-home, Over-the-counter Sleep Apnea Sensor on the Horizon”. Zansors also got recognition in a market research report published by Tractica where Zansors was listed as a key industry player in health wearable space alongside of companies like Abbott, Medtronic, Philips and Qualcomm Life.
Zansors team continued spreading ideas and engaging communities as thought leaders. Abhijit Dasgupta, PhD (@webbedfeet), Co-founder and Chief Data Science Officer at Zansors, was interviewed by Sleep Junkies, a well-known source of what’s latest in sleep tech world. Abhijit is also active in local health industry community. He presented at Health TechNet, one of the most popular, interactive and educational forums for health care technology and biotech companies in the Washington D.C. area where he talked about medical-grade wearable tech. Nicole Stout (@NicoleStoutPT), our VP of Medical Affairs, was quoted in an article in Healthcare Dive, a healthcare industry magazine. As Nicole puts it: “When you are getting into the medical space and getting healthcare providers to use data from digital health technologies and wearables, it’s got to be fairly precise.” Nicole also spoke at 2nd annual ‘Women in PT Summit’, supporting its mission to serve as the catalyst for women in the physical therapy industry.
I would also like to thank our guest blog contributors who shared some amazing content in their blog posts: Meredith McQuerry, Ph.D, Deirdre A. Conroy, PhD, John Pietrangelo and Cherilyn Cecchini, M.D. Check out our blog page to read these interesting posts!
Building Tech for Future
Want a peek into how Zansors’ tech can be applied in the future? One example is our partnership announcement with Blauer Manufacturing Inc. to introduce wearable technology in defense textiles for first responders and the military. A new category of defense garments can capture biometric data, like breathing, motion or ECG, as well as external factors such as determining location or detecting chemical gases! We’re also developing small but mighty wearable sensors that provide important situational analytics for our armed forces giving them a competitive edge in the battle field.
While developing the front-end technologies are important, we also build the back-end infrastructure for integration. To that end, Zansors Labs has built HIPAA-compliant cloud system so that patients or users have a secure way to store or send their personal health data to their healthcare team. In a world of data breaches, protecting your privacy is critical.
Blooming Soon…
Our mission is not complete until the technologies we develop reach masses and help them achieve a better life. Therefore, we’re working hard to bring products to market soon. 2018 will be the year of product launches for Zansors! Stay tuned with us by subscribing to our email newsletter below.
Kashyap Purani is Director of Marketing & Business Development and Product Manager at Zansors. You can follow him on Twitter @puranikashyap.